Movember is not just some word that doesn’t make any real sense; no, Movember is a Moment, a Momentous Movement. It’s a Monumental Month in which gentlemen (and ladies) from across the galaxy join forces by growing and grooming (or drawing) a moustache to raise awareness, and when possible, money, for prostate cancer.
1 out of every 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Did you know that? Not nearly enough people do! That’s why in 2004, 432 people decided to wear a moustache throughout the month of “Movember”. Since then, the campaign has grown to include over 250,000 moustache wearing supporters worldwide during the 11th month of the year.
On Tuesday, Movember 30th 2010, team “Five One Four” together with team “Three Monkeys” will be hosting an event at Bar Rouge, 7 Prince Arthur O. corner of St-Laurent, to raise both money and awareness for the cause. We’re aiming to attract between 400 and 700 people, all of which will be wearing a moustache (magic markers will be used if needed).
This event, is being put together by: Jake Sutherland, Peter Raimondo & Leslie Woods, three Montreal natives who come together as long standing members of the Montreal nightlife community. Our goal is to propel the Movember Movement forward by showing people how fun it could be to do something small for a great cause. Every penny raised will be donated to Movember, which benefits: Prostate Cancer Canada, a company whose mission is to raise funds for the development of programs related to awareness, public education, advocacy, support of those affected, and research into the prevention, detection, treatment and cure of prostate cancer.
We are looking for sponsors of all shapes and sizes, so if you believe that you can contribute in any way please let us know.
Short List of Things That Can Help:
- Items that would go into gift boxes that will be awarded the evening of Movember 30, 2010 for the most money raised, the best moustache, various other categories, and door prizes.
- We are looking to broadcast, live to air (have the event playing live on the radio) and airtime to promote the event and ‘Movember’.
- Title Sponsor for the event. Ex: Walmart’s Movember Party at Bar Rouge
- Members to join our team! If you know of or are a part of a small group of people who want to partake in this campaign, let us know! Join Team Five One Four and have fun wearing a moustache throughout the month of Movember!
- Don’t have the prostate to wear a moustache for a month? You can donate in one of two ways:
2) Find one of our handsome moustache toting team members and simply ask about Movember.
P.S. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Peter Raimondo
M: 514.887.5265
Jake Sutherland
M: 514.824.9221
Leslie Woods
M: 514.812.5974